Rybka-Crafty Evidence VI
Home * Organizations * ICGA * Investigations * Rybka Controversy * Pre-Fruit Rybka and Crafty * NextMove and NextEvasion
by Mark Watkins
The NextMove() and NextEvasions() functions in Crafty also re-appear in pre-Beta Rybka. I will give the latter completely, and for reasons of length just point out one identical element in NextMove().
First, we have Crafty's numbering of phases.
#define NONE 0 #define HASH_MOVE 1 #define GENERATE_CAPTURE_MOVES 2 #define CAPTURE_MOVES 3 #define KILLER_MOVE_1 4 #define KILLER_MOVE_2 5 #define GENERATE_ALL_MOVES 6 #define SORT_ALL_MOVES 7 #define HISTORY_MOVES_1 8 #define HISTORY_MOVES_2 9 #define REMAINING_MOVES 10 #define ROOT_MOVES 11
Crafty uses phases 1, 4, and 10 in NextEvasion(). Here is high-level logic in pre-Beta Rybka.
0x00459c70: sub $0xc,%esp # NextEvasion() function 0x00459c75: mov 0x18(%esp),%esi 0x00459c7a: mov 0x20(%esp),%edi 0x00459c7e: lea (%edi,%edi,2),%eax 0x00459c81: lea (%esi,%eax,4),%ebx 0x00459c8b* mov %ebx,0xc(%esp) 0x00459c84: mov 0xb20(%ebx),%eax # get current phase 0x00459c8a: dec %eax # (sub 1 from it) 0x00459c8f: je 0x459ca8 # if phase was 1, then ... 0x00459c91: sub $0x6,%eax # (sub 6 more) 0x00459c94: je 0x459cea # if phase was 7, then... 0x00459c96: sub $0x3,%eax # (sub 3 more) 0x00459c99: je 0x459e9c # if phase was 10, then... 0x00459ca1: xor %eax,%eax # phase is bad, return 0 0x00459ca7: ret
Here is the first part of NextEvasion(), for the case HASH_MOVE:
int NextEvasion(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int ply, int wtm) { register int *movep, *sortv; switch (tree->next_status[ply].phase) { case HASH_MOVE: tree->last[ply]=GenerateCheckEvasions(tree, ply, wtm, tree->last[ply-1]); if (tree->hash_move[ply]) { tree->next_status[ply].phase=SORT_ALL_MOVES; tree->current_move[ply]=tree->hash_move[ply]; if (ValidMove(tree,ply,wtm,tree->current_move[ply])) return(HASH_MOVE); else Print(128,"bad move from hash table, ply=%d\n",ply); }
0x00459ca8: mov 0x137c(%esi,%edi,4),%ecx # ptr to tree->last[ply-1] 0x00459caf: mov 0x24(%esp),%edx 0x00459cb3: push %ecx, %edx, %edi, %esi 0x00459cb7: call 0x452860 # call GenerateCheckEvasions() 0x00459cbc: mov %eax,0x1380(%esi,%edi,4) # save ptr in tree->last[ply] 0x00459cc3: mov (%esi,%edi,4),%eax # load tree->hash_move[ply] 0x00459cc9: test %eax,%eax # if this is zero 0x00459ccb: je 0x459cea # then goto the next phase 0x00459ccd: mov %eax,0x1060(%esi,%edi,4) # tree->current_move[ply] = tree->hash_move[ply] 0x00459cd6: movl $0x7,0xb20(%ebx) # set phase to 7 (SORT_ALL_MOVES) 0x00459ce0: mov $0x1,%eax # return 1 0x00459ce9: ret
Note that this pre-Beta Rybka seems not to have a ValidMove routine. Here is the SORT_ALL_MOVES case.
case SORT_ALL_MOVES: tree->next_status[ply].phase=REMAINING_MOVES; if (tree->hash_move[ply]) { for (movep=tree->last[ply-1],sortv=tree->sort_value; movep<tree->last[ply];movep++,sortv++) if (*movep == tree->hash_move[ply]) { *sortv=-999999; *movep=0; } else { if (p_values[Piece(*movep)+7] < p_values[Captured(*movep)+7]) *sortv=p_values[Captured(*movep)+7]-p_values[Piece(*movep)+7]; else *sortv=Swap(tree,From(*movep),To(*movep),wtm); } } else { for (movep=tree->last[ply-1],sortv=tree->sort_value; movep<tree->last[ply];movep++,sortv++) if (p_values[Piece(*movep)+7] < p_values[Captured(*movep)+7]) *sortv=p_values[Captured(*movep)+7]-p_values[Piece(*movep)+7]; else *sortv=Swap(tree,From(*movep),To(*movep),wtm); }
Note that pre-Beta Rybka also uses -999999 as the sentinel.
0x00459cea: mov (%esi,%edi,4),%eax # load tree->hash_move[ply] 0x00459cee: mov 0x137c(%esi,%edi,4),%ebp 0x00459cf5: movl $0xa,0xb20(%ebx) # tree->next_status[ply].phase=REMAINING_MOVES; 0x00459cff: test %eax,%eax 0x00459d01: mov 0x1380(%esi,%edi,4),%eax 0x00459d08: lea 0x1564(%esi),%ebx 0x00459d0e: je 0x459d87 # if (tree->hash_move[ply]) 0x00459d10: cmp %eax,%ebp 0x00459d12: jae 0x459de9 # set up for loop 0x00459d18: mov 0x0(%ebp),%eax LOOP 0x00459d1b: cmp (%esi,%edi,4),%eax # if (*movep == tree->hash_move[ply] 0x00459d1e: jne 0x459d2f 0x00459d20: movl $0xfff0bdc1,(%ebx) # *sortv = -999999 0x00459d26: movl $0x0,0x0(%ebp) # *movep = 0 0x00459d2d: jmp 0x459d74 # else 0x00459d2f: mov %eax,%ecx 0x00459d31: sar $0xf,%ecx # Captured(*movep) 0x00459d34: mov %eax,%edx 0x00459d36: sar $0xc,%edx # Piece(*movep) 0x00459d39: and $0x7,%ecx 0x00459d3c: mov 0x5ffed4(,%ecx,4),%ecx # y = p_values[Captured(*movep) + 7] 0x00459d43: and $0x7,%edx 0x00459d46: mov 0x5ffed4(,%edx,4),%edx # x = p_values[Captured(*movep) + 7] 0x00459d4d: cmp %ecx,%edx 0x00459d4f: jge 0x459d57 # if (x < y) 0x00459d51: sub %edx,%ecx 0x00459d53: mov %ecx,(%ebx) # *sortv= y - x 0x00459d55: jmp 0x459d74 # else 0x00459d57: mov 0x28(%esp),%ecx # load tree pointer 0x00459d5b: mov %eax,%edx 0x00459d5e: sar $0x6,%edx 0x00459d61: and $0x3f,%edx # To(*movep) 0x00459d65: and $0x3f,%eax # From(*movep) 0x00459d69* push %ecx, %edx, %eax, %esi 0x00459d6a: call 0x45ad80 # Swap(tree,From(*movep),To(*movep),wtm) 0x00459d6f: add $0x10,%esp 0x00459d72: mov %eax,(%ebx) 0x00459d74: mov 0x1380(%esi,%edi,4),%eax # determine if loop is done 0x00459d7b: add $0x4,%ebp 0x00459d7e: add $0x4,%ebx 0x00459d81: cmp %eax,%ebp 0x00459d83: jb 0x459d18 # if not done, goto LOOP 0x00459d85: jmp 0x459de9 0x00459d87: cmp %eax,%ebp # else [that is, tree->hash_move[ply] is zero] 0x00459d89: jae 0x459de9 0x00459d8b: jmp 0x459d90 0x00459d8d: lea 0x0(%ecx),%ecx 0x00459d90: mov 0x0(%ebp),%eax LOOP2 START 0x00459d93: mov %eax,%ecx 0x00459d95: sar $0xf,%ecx # Captured(*movep) 0x00459d98: mov %eax,%edx 0x00459d9a: sar $0xc,%edx 0x00459d9d: and $0x7,%ecx # Piece(*movep) 0x00459da0: mov 0x5ffed4(,%ecx,4),%ecx # y = p_values[Captured(*movep) + 7] 0x00459da7: and $0x7,%edx 0x00459daa: mov 0x5ffed4(,%edx,4),%edx # x = p_values[Captured(*movep) + 7] 0x00459db1: cmp %ecx,%edx # if (x < y) 0x00459db3: jge 0x459dbb 0x00459db5: sub %edx,%ecx 0x00459db7: mov %ecx,(%ebx) # *sortv = y - x 0x00459db9: jmp 0x459dd8 # else 0x00459dbb: mov 0x28(%esp),%ecx 0x00459dbf: mov %eax,%edx 0x00459dc2: sar $0x6,%edx 0x00459dc5: and $0x3f,%edx # To(*movep) 0x00459dc9: and $0x3f,%eax # From(*movep) 0x00459dcd: push %ecx, %edx, %eax, %esi 0x00459dce: call 0x45ad80 # call Swap() 0x00459dd6: mov %eax,(%ebx) # *sortv = value from Swap() 0x00459dd8: mov 0x1380(%esi,%edi,4),%eax # determine if loop is done 0x00459ddf: add $0x4,%ebp 0x00459de2: add $0x4,%ebx 0x00459de5: cmp %eax,%ebp 0x00459de7: jb 0x459d90 # if not, goto LOOP2
Next Crafty does an insertion sort in this SORT_ALL_MOVES phase.
if (tree->last[ply] > tree->last[ply-1]+1) { int temp1, temp2, *tmovep, *tsortv; int *end; sortv=tree->sort_value+1; movep=tree->last[ply-1]+1; end=tree->last[ply]; for (;movep<end;movep++,sortv++) { temp1=*movep; temp2=*sortv; tmovep=movep-1; tsortv=sortv-1; while (tmovep>=tree->last[ply-1] && *tsortv<temp2) { *(tsortv+1)=*tsortv; *(tmovep+1)=*tmovep; tmovep--; tsortv--; } *(tmovep+1)=temp1; *(tsortv+1)=temp2; } } tree->next_status[ply].last=tree->last[ply-1];
As does pre-Beta Rybka -- I'm not sure comments are that useful.
0x00459de9: mov 0x137c(%esi,%edi,4),%eax 0x00459df0: lea 0x4(%eax),%edx 0x00459df3: mov 0x1380(%esi,%edi,4),%eax 0x00459dfa: cmp %eax,%edx 0x00459dfc: mov %eax,0x18(%esp) 0x00459e00: jae 0x459e88 0x00459e06: lea -0x4(%edx),%eax 0x00459e09: lea 0x1568(%esi),%ebp 0x00459e0f: mov %eax,0x24(%esp) 0x00459e13: jmp 0x459e20 0x00459e15: mov 0x24(%esp),%eax 0x00459e19: lea 0x0(%esp),%esp 0x00459e20: mov (%edx),%ecx 0x00459e22: cmp 0x137c(%esi,%edi,4),%eax 0x00459e29: mov %ecx,0x14(%esp) 0x00459e2d: mov 0x0(%ebp),%ecx 0x00459e30: mov %ecx,0x20(%esp) 0x00459e34: lea -0x4(%ebp),%ecx 0x00459e37: jb 0x459e61 0x00459e39: lea 0x0(%esp),%esp 0x00459e40: mov (%ecx),%ebx 0x00459e42: cmp 0x20(%esp),%ebx 0x00459e46: jge 0x459e61 0x00459e48: mov %ebx,0x4(%ecx) 0x00459e4b: mov (%eax),%ebx 0x00459e4d: mov %ebx,0x4(%eax) 0x00459e50: mov 0x137c(%esi,%edi,4),%ebx 0x00459e57: sub $0x4,%eax 0x00459e5a: sub $0x4,%ecx 0x00459e5d: cmp %ebx,%eax 0x00459e5f: jae 0x459e40 0x00459e61: mov 0x14(%esp),%ebx 0x00459e65: mov %ebx,0x4(%eax) 0x00459e68: mov 0x20(%esp),%eax 0x00459e6c: mov 0x24(%esp),%ebx 0x00459e70: mov %eax,0x4(%ecx) 0x00459e73: mov 0x18(%esp),%eax 0x00459e77: add $0x4,%edx 0x00459e7a: add $0x4,%ebx 0x00459e7d: add $0x4,%ebp 0x00459e80: cmp %eax,%edx 0x00459e82: mov %ebx,0x24(%esp) 0x00459e86: jb 0x459e15 0x00459e88: mov 0x10(%esp),%edx 0x00459e8c: mov 0x137c(%esi,%edi,4),%ecx 0x00459e93: mov %ecx,0xb18(%edx) 0x00459e99: mov %edx,%ebx
And finally the REMAINING_MOVES case.
case REMAINING_MOVES: for (;tree->next_status[ply].last<tree->last[ply]; tree->next_status[ply].last++) if ((*tree->next_status[ply].last)) { tree->current_move[ply]=*tree->next_status[ply].last++; return(REMAINING_MOVES); } return(NONE);
0x459e9c: mov 0xb18(%ebx),%eax # get tree->next_status[ply].last 0x459ea2: cmp 0x1380(%esi,%edi,4),%eax # if tree->next_status[ply].last >= tree->last[ply] 0x459ea9: jae 0x459c9f # return 0 [see above] 0x459eb0: mov 0xb18(%ebx),%eax LOOP 0x459eb6: cmpl $0x0,(%eax) # if NOT *tree->next_status[ply].last 0x459eb9: jne 0x459ed8 0x459ebb: add $0x4,%eax # increment the loop counter 0x459ebe: mov %eax,%ecx 0x459ec0: mov %eax,0xb18(%ebx) 0x459ec6: cmp 0x1380(%esi,%edi,4),%ecx # if tree->next_status[ply].last < tree->last[ply] 0x459ecd: jb 0x459eb0 # continue LOOP 0x459ed1: xor %eax,%eax # return 0 0x459ed7: ret 0x459ed8: mov 0xb18(%ebx),%eax # else 0x459ede: mov (%eax),%edx 0x459ee0: mov %edx,0x1060(%esi,%edi,4) # tree->current_move[ply]=*tree->next_status[ply].last++; 0x459ee8: add $0x4,%eax 0x459eeb: mov %eax,0xb18(%ebx) 0x459ef2: mov $0xa,%eax # return phase 10 (REMAINING_MOVES) 0x459efb: ret
Here is the 9th phase in both Crafty and pre-Beta Rybka. It is already somewhat odd to have this HISTORY_MOVES_2 phase.
case HISTORY_MOVES_2: bestval=0; bestp=0; for (movep=tree->last[ply-1];movep<tree->last[ply];movep++) if (*movep) { index=*movep&4095; history_value= (wtm) ? history_w[index] : history_b[index]; if (history_value > bestval) { bestval=history_value; bestp=movep; } } if (bestval) { tree->current_move[ply]=*bestp; *bestp=0; tree->next_status[ply].remaining++; if (tree->next_status[ply].remaining > 3) { tree->next_status[ply].phase=REMAINING_MOVES; tree->next_status[ply].last=tree->last[ply-1]; } return(HISTORY_MOVES_2); }
In the second segment, the condition that the number of moves be greater than 3 cannot be said to be typical. Here is the pre-Beta Rybka code for this segment:
[...] 0x44bbd4: test %ebp,%ebp # if (bestval) 0x44bbd6: je 0x44bc22 0x44bbd8: mov (%edx),%eax 0x44bbda: lea 0x2c7(%edi,%edi,2),%ecx 0x44bbe1: mov %eax,0x1060(%esi,%edi,4) # tree->current_move[ply]=*bestp; 0x44bbe8: lea (%esi,%ecx,4),%eax 0x44bbeb: movl $0x0,(%edx) # *bestp = 0 0x44bbf1: mov (%eax),%edx 0x44bbf3: inc %edx # increment #remaining 0x44bbf4: mov %edx,%ecx 0x44bbf6: cmp $0x3,%ecx # if #remaining > 3 0x44bbf9: mov %edx,(%eax) 0x44bbfb: jle 0x44bc14 0x44bbfd: mov 0x137c(%esi,%edi,4),%edx # load tree->last[ply-1] 0x44bc04: movl $0xa,0xb20(%ebx) # set phase to 10 (REMAINING_MOVES) 0x44bc0e: mov %edx,0xb18(%ebx) # tree->next_status[ply].last = tree->last[ply-1]; 0x44bc14: mov 0x80(%esp),%ebp 0x44bc1b: mov $0x9,%eax # phase 9 is HISTORY_MOVES_2 0x44bc20: jmp 0x44bc71 # return (HISTORY_MOVES_2)
The exact similarity with the totality of NextMove() is yet to be determined, but the above should suffice to give an example of code re-use.