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1 byte added, 5 July
Fishtest: update numbers
The Stockfish Testing Framework dubbed '''Fishtest''' <ref>[ glinscott/fishtest · GitHub]</ref> is a [ web application] written by [[Gary Linscott]] <ref>[ Get Involved - Stockfish - Powerful Open Source Chess Engine]</ref> <ref>[ Fishtest Distributed Testing Framework] by [[Marco Costalba]], [[CCC]], May 01, 2013</ref>, based on a [ SETI@home] kind of [ volunteer computing].
Fishtest is mainly written in [[Python]] under the ''Pyramid Application Development Framework'' <ref>[ The Pyramid Web Framework — The Pyramid Web Framework v1.5]</ref>, and distributes games across different machines to reduce the test latency and increment throughput. Started in early 2013 with Stockfish 3.0, Fishtest has hundreds of contributors, as of June 2018July 2024, 1130 2226 testers and 162 363 developers <ref>[ Stockfish Testing Framework - Users]</ref> active in testing ideas and tweaks <ref>[ Stockfish Testing Framework]</ref>, to make Stockfish the strongest chess entity of the world <ref>[ Adam's Computer Chess Pages: Stockfish Progression] by [[Adam Hair]]</ref>.
<span id="EvaluationGuide"></span>
=Evaluation Guide=
Since April 2017 the interactive '''Stockfish Evaluation Guide''' is available to explore Stockfish's [[Evaluation|evaluation]] with a [[JavaScript]] implementation running in a [ browser] <ref>[ Re: How far away are we from deep learning Stockfish, Komodo] by [[Gary Linscott|Gary]], [[CCC]], May 21, 2017</ref> . One may enter a [[Forsyth-Edwards Notation|FEN]] string of a [[Chess Position|position]], to get the resulting [[Score|score]] of the main evaluation term considering the [[Game Phases|game phases]] within its [[Tapered Eval|tapered evaluation]], and may navigate through the tree of subterms and features with its particular characteristics for the given position <ref>[ Stockfish Evaluation Guide]</ref>, also supporting [[Stockfish NNUE]] nets <ref>[ Stockfish Evaluation Guide - NNUE]</ref>.

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