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Home * Engines * Torch

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A chess engine announced by in 2023, intended as own development for their online chess platform, which played before as Mystery Engine at CCCC. With team consisting of developers and advisors from, OpenBench and Komodo.

The team behind Torch is composed of Andrew Grant (author of Ethereal), Finn Eggers & Kim Kåhre (authors of Koivisto), Jay Honnold (author of Berserk), and Michael Whiteley & Dietrich Kappe (current authors of Dragon). The former authors of Dragon, Mark Lefler and Larry Kaufman, are advisors on this project. The development of Torch is supported by many open-source tools, including pytorch-nnue, Cutechess, and OpenBench. Torch developers have stated that the entire source code of Torch is original, with no code being used from any other engine.

Torch is since October 18, 2023 available on the platform in analysis mode and offers a faster lightweight and full feature neural network.

Release Dates

Tournament Play


See also

Forum Posts

2020 ...

Rating Lists
