Lomonosov Tablebases

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Home * Knowledge * Endgame Tablebases * Lomonosov Tablebases

Lomonosov Tablebases,
7-men Endgame Tablebases constructed by Vladimir Makhnychev and Victor Zakharov at Lomonosov Moscow State University using the Lomonosov Supercomputer. In July 2012, 4+3 DTM-tablebases (525 endings including KPPPKPP) were completed, the 5+2 DTM-tablebases during August 2012 [1].


Convekta Ltd., headed by Zakharov, announced the release of Lomonosov Tablebases - as of December 31, 2013, the tablebases are available online through ChessOK products [2].

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