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Home * Engines * Torch

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A chess engine announced by in 2023, intended as own development for their online chess platform, which played before as Mystery Engine at CCCC. With a team consisting of developers and advisors from, OpenBench and Komodo.

The team behind Torch is composed of Andrew Grant (author of Ethereal), Finn Eggers & Kim Kåhre (authors of Koivisto), Jay Honnold (author of Berserk), and Michael Whiteley & Dietrich Kappe (current authors of Dragon). The former authors of Dragon, Mark Lefler and Larry Kaufman, are advisors on this project. The development of Torch is supported by many open-source tools, including Pytorch-NNUE, Cutechess, and OpenBench. Torch developers have stated that the entire source code of Torch is original, with no code being used from any other engine.

Torch is a close source without public release as a standalone chess engine. Since October 18, 2023, it has been available on the platform in analysis mode and offers a faster lightweight and full-feature neural network. On March 20, 2024, Tourch 2 was released unofficially [1]. On June 19, 2024, Andrew Grant announced the ending of Torch development due to lack of time[2].

Release Dates



  • Torch 2.0 - March 20, 2024

Tournament Play


See also

Forum Posts

2020 ...

Rating Lists

Torch in CCRL Blitz


Up one Level