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Stockfish NNUE

141 bytes added, 7 July
In August 2020 a new patch changed Stockfish NNUE into a hybrid engine: it uses NNUE evaluation only on quite balanced material positions, otherwise uses the classical one. It could speed up to 10% and gain 20 Elo <ref>[ NNUE evaluation threshold by MJZ1977 · Pull Request #2916 · official-stockfish/Stockfish · GitHub], August 06, 2020</ref>. At that point, NNUE helped to increase already around 100 Elo for Stockfish. In the same month, Stockfish changed the default mode of using evaluation functions from classic to hybrid one, the last step to completely accept NNUE. With Stockfish 16 release in 2023 the hand-crafted evaluation function was removed, a complete transition to NNUE based evaluation was made.
=Strong Points=

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