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1,090 bytes added, 14 January
2023 ...: date typo
* <span id="KingPlacementsCont"></span>[ Re: NNUE Question - King Placements] by [[Tomasz Sobczyk]], [[CCC]], July 01, 2021 » [[#KingPlacements|NNUE Question]]
: [ Re: NNUE Question - King Placements] by [[Daniel Shawul]], July 01, 2021 » [[Scorpio#ScorpioNNUE|ScorpioNNUE]]
* [ Before things become more messy than they already are] by [[Ed Schroder|Ed Schröder]], [[CCC]], July 02, 2021
* [ NNUE training set generation] by [[Edsel Apostol]], [[CCC]], July 03, 2021
* [ NNUE - only from own engine?] by [[Ed Schroder|Rebel]], October 25, 2021
* [ Regarding AVX2] by [[Ed Schroder|Rebel]], [[CCC]], November 03, 2021 » [[AVX2]]
* [ Mantissa 3.0.0] by [[Jeremy Wright]], [[CCC]], December 10, 2021 » [[Mantissa]]
* [ Are NNUE Nets Specific to Chess Engines or They Universal to All Engines?] by daniel71, [[CCC]], December 26, 2021
==2022 ...==
* [ Why NNUE trainer requires an online qsearch on each training position?] by [[Chao Ma]], [[CCC]], January 01, 2022
* [ Rebel 14] by [[Ed Schroder|Ed Schröder]], [[CCC]], January 12, 2022 » [[Rebel#14|Rebel 14]]
* [ Koivisto 8.0] by [[Finn Eggers]], [[CCC]], March 15, 2022 » [[Koivisto]]
* [ NNUE + Pawn-King Network] by Alvin Peng, [[CCC]], April 22, 2022
==2024 ...==
* [ How to get started with NNUE] by Arjun Basandrai, [[CCC]], January 12, 2024
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