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Grit Lachmann

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Created page with "'''Home * People * Grit Lachmann''' '''Grit Lachmann''',<br/> a German computer scientist, who wrote her Master's thesis at Chemnitz University of Technol..."
'''[[Main Page|Home]] * [[People]] * Grit Lachmann'''

'''Grit Lachmann''',<br/>
a German computer scientist, who wrote her Master's thesis at [[Chemnitz University of Technology]] on the topic of [[Knowledge]] processing from [[Endgame Tablebases]]
<ref>[[Ulrich Thiemonds]] ('''1999'''). ''Ein regelbasiertes Spielprogramm für Schachendspiele''. [ University of Bonn], Diplom thesis, [ pdf] (German)</ref>.
Her approach performed a [[Search|tree search]] to classify [[Chess Position|positions]] and to merge [[Node|nodes]] belonging to the same class to reduce the [[Search Tree|search tree]].
She implemented the KQNKQ-endgame in [ rule-based] [[Prolog]].

=Selected Publications=
* [[Grit Lachmann]] ('''1994'''). ''Verarbeitung von Wissen aus Endspieldatenbanken''. Master's thesis, [[Chemnitz University of Technology]] (German)

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