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Chess Engine
Zeta is written in [[C]] (host) and [[OpenCL]] (device). The host handles the IO, but all chess related computations are done via OpenCL (run-time-compilation) on the device.
Zeta v099 is a port of [[Zeta Dva]] to OpenCL, with parallel [[Alpha-Beta]] search, therefore 64 gpu-threads are coupled to one worker, used to work on the same node in parallel during move generation, move picking selection and evaluation in parallel.
Zeta v097 and v098 were designed to run thousands of independent [[Thread|threads]] on a [[GPU]], therefore they store the expanded game tree via an parallel [[Best-First Minimax Search]] search in [[Memory|memory]].
* [ GitLab - smatovic/Zeta: Experimental chess engine written in OpenCL]
* [ Zeta Chess blog]
* [ Zeta - Milestones]

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