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Don Beal

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[[FILE:DonBeal1986.JPG|border|right|thumb| Don Beal, [[WCCC 1986]] <ref>[[László Lindner]], A SZÁMÍTÓGÉPES SAKK KÉPEKBEN című melléklete - The pictures of the Beginning of Chess Computers</ref> ]]

'''Donald Francis (Don) Beal''',<br/>
a British computer scientist and computer games researcher, [ Emeritus] staff from the [[Queen Mary, University of London|Queen Mary and Westfield College]] of [ London], Department of Computer Science <ref>[ School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science - Honorary, Retired and Visiting Staff]</ref>. Don Beal researched and published on various computer chess related topics, for instance [[Search Pathology|search pathology]], [[Null Move Pruning#NMQS|null move quiescence search]], [[Integrated Bounds and Values|integrated bounds and values]], [[Temporal Difference Learning|temporal difference learning]] and [[Retrograde Analysis|retrograde analysis]]. Selected publications were summarized in his Ph.D. thesis ''The Nature of MINIMAX Search'' <ref>[[Don Beal]] ('''1999'''). ''The Nature of MINIMAX Search''. Ph.D. thesis</ref> , he was author and co-author of several chess programs competing at various [[Tournaments|CC Tournaments]], and was long time board member of the [[ICCA]] as Secretary-Treasurer <ref>[[Jaap van den Herik]] ('''2000'''). ''[ From Cognition to Perception]''. [[ICGA Journal#23_4|ICGA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4]]</ref>, contributor of multiple [[Conferences|Advances in Computer Chess Conferences]], as well as editor of the [[Advances in Computer Chess 4|ACC 4]], [[Advances in Computer Chess 5|ACC 5]] and [[Advances in Computer Chess 6|ACC 6]] conference proceedings. Don Beal advocated and organized [[Uniform-Platform Computer Chess Championship]] <ref>[ QMW "Uniform Platform" Computer-Chess Tournament] from the old [[CSVN]] site</ref>, an approach to compare programs without hardware dependence.

Don Beal's [[BCP]] still in the assembly stage, 1983 <ref>Image by [[Tony Harrington]], from: [[Tony Harrington]] ('''1983'''). ''Alphabetical Chess''. [[Personal Computer World]], [ June 1983], [ pdf] hosted by [[Mike Watters]]</ref>

Don Beal, [[Ken Thompson|Thompson]], [[Monroe Newborn|Newborn]] and [[Mikhail Botvinnik|Botvinnik]], [[WCCC 1983]] <ref>[ Photo] Gift of [[Monroe Newborn]] from [[The Computer History Museum]]</ref>

=Don's Programs=
Don Beal is author and co-author of following chess programs <ref>[ Don Beal's ICGA Tournaments]</ref> :
* [[Beal]]
* [[BCP]]
* [[Delicate Brute]]
* [[Cilkchess]]

and the [[Lines of Action]] program:
* [ Apprentice]

=See also=
* [[Integrated Bounds and Values]]
* [[Null Move Pruning#NMQS|Null Move Quiescence Search]]
* [[Retrograde Analysis]]
* [[Search Pathology]]
* [[Search with Random Leaf Values]]
* [[Temporal Difference Learning]]

=Selected Publications=
<ref>[ DBLP: Donald F. Beal]</ref> <ref>[ ICGA Reference Database] (pdf)</ref> <ref>[ Don Beal's Publications]</ref>
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1978'''). ''Handicapping Computer Chess Programs''. [[ICGA Journal#1_2|ICCA Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 2]]
==1980 ...==
* [[Don Beal]], [[Mike Clarke]] ('''1980'''). ''The Construction of Economical and Correct Algorithms for King and Pawn against King''. [[Advances in Computer Chess 2]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1980'''). ''An analysis of minimax'' in [[Advances in Computer Chess 2]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1982'''). ''Benefits of minimax search'' in [[Advances in Computer Chess 3]]
* [[Tony Harrington]] ('''1983'''). ''Alphabetical Chess''. [[Personal Computer World]], [ June 1983] » [[BCP]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1983'''). ''Recent progress in understanding minimax search''. in Proceedings of ACM National Conference, New York, October 1983
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1984'''). ''Mixing Heuristic and Perfect Evaluations: Nested Minimax''. [[ICGA Journal#7_1|ICCA Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1984'''). ''Mating Sequences in the Quiescence Search''. [[ICGA Journal#7_3|ICCA Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1986'''). ''Selective Search without Tears.'' [[ICGA Journal#9_2|ICCA Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1986'''). ''Turbo GameWorks: Tools for Turbo Pascal''. (Review) [[ICGA Journal#9_2|ICCA Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2]] » [[Turbo Chess]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1989'''). ''Experiments with the Null Move.'' [[Advances in Computer Chess 5]], a revised version is published ('''1990''') under the title ''A Generalized Quiescence Search Algorithm''. [ Artificial Intelligence], Vol. 43, No. 1, edited version in ('''1999'''). ''The Nature of MINIMAX Search''. Ph.D. thesis, Chapter 10
* [[David Levy]], [[Don Beal]] (Eds.) ('''1989'''). ''Heuristic Programming in Artificial Intelligence - The First Computer Olympiad''. Ellis Horwood » [[1st Computer Olympiad#Workshop|1st Computer Olympiad]]
==1990 ...==
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1990'''). ''A Generalized Quiescence Search Algorithm''. [ Artificial Intelligence], Vol. 43, No. 1
* [[David Levy]], [[Don Beal]] (Eds.) ('''1991'''). ''Heuristic Programming in Artificial Intelligence - The Second Computer Olympiad''. Ellis Horwood » [[2nd Computer Olympiad#Workshop|2nd Computer Olympiad]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1991'''). ''Report on the 11th World Microcomputer Chess Championship''. [[ICGA Journal#14_2|ICCA Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2]] » [[WMCCC 1991]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1991'''). ''Report on the 22nd ACM International Computer Chess Championship''. [[ICGA Journal#14_4|ICCA Journal, Vol. 14, No. 4]] » [[ACM 1991]]
* [[John Roycroft]], [[Don Beal]] ('''1991'''). ''To Make Dumb Endgame Databases Speak''. [[Advances in Computer Chess 6]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1992'''). ''The 1992 QMW Uniform-Platform Autoplay Computer-Chess Tournament''. [[ICGA Journal#15-3|ICCA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3]] » [[UPCCC 1992]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1993'''). ''Report on the QMW 1993 Uniform-Platform Computer-Chess Championship.'' [[ICGA Journal#16_3|ICCA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3]] » [[UPCCC 1993]] <ref>[ QMW computer chess] by [[Don Beal]], [[Computer Chess Forums|]], August 19, 1993</ref>
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''1994'''). ''Random Evaluations in Chess''. [[ICGA Journal#17_1|ICCA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1]]
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''1994'''). ''Random Evaluations in Chess''. [[Advances in Computer Chess 7]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1994'''). ''The QMW's Uniform-Platform Computer-Chess Tournament''. [[ICGA Journal#17_1|ICCA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1994'''). ''Report on the QMW Uniform-Platform World Championship 1994''. [[ICGA Journal#17_3|ICCA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3]] » [[UPCCC 1994]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1995'''). ''An Integrated-Bounds-and-Values (IBV) Numeric Scale for Minimax Searches.'' [[ICGA Journal#18_2|ICCA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2]] » [[Integrated Bounds and Values]]
* [ Hin-Kwok Tsang] and [[Don Beal]] ('''1995'''). ''The 8th World Computer-Chess Championship''. [[ICGA Journal#18_2|ICCA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2]] » [[WCCC 1995]]
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''1995'''). ''Quantification of Search-Extension Benefits.'' [[ICGA Journal#18_4|ICCA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4]]
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''1996'''). ''Multiple Probes of Transposition Tables''. [[ICGA Journal#19_4|ICCA Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4]]
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''1997'''). ''Learning Piece Values Using Temporal Differences''. [[ICGA Journal#20_3|ICCA Journal, Vol. 20, No. 3]]
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''1998'''). ''[ First Results from Using Temporal Difference Learning in Shogi]''. [[CG 1998]]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1999'''). ''The 9th World Computer-Chess Championship: the Search-Engine Features of the Programs''. [[ICGA Journal#22_3|ICCA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3]] » [[WCCC 1999]]
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''1999'''). ''Learning Piece-Square Values using Temporal Differences.'' [[ICGA Journal#22_4|ICCA Journal, Vol. 22, No. 4]]
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''1999'''). ''[ Temporal Coherence and Prediction Decay in TD Learning]''. [[Conferences#IJCAI1999|IJCAI 1999]], [ pdf]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''1999'''). ''The Nature of MINIMAX Search''. Ph.D. thesis, IKAT, [[Maastricht University]], [ pdf]
==2000 ...==
* [[Don Beal]], [[Martin C. Smith]] ('''2001'''). ''Temporal difference learning applied to game playing and the results of application to Shogi''. [ Theoretical Computer Science], Vol. 252, Nos. 1-2
* [[Ren Wu]], [[Don Beal]] ('''2001'''). ''Computer Analysis of some Chinese Chess Endgames''. [[Advances in Computer Games 9]]
* [[Ren Wu]], [[Don Beal]] ('''2001'''). ''[ Fast, Memory-efficient Retrograde Algorithms]''.[[ICGA Journal#24_3|ICGA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3]] <ref>[ Generating egtbs ICGAJ] by [[Tony van Roon-Werten|Tony Werten]], [[CCC]], December 04, 2001, with reference to [ Computing endgames with few men] by [[Urban Koistinen]]</ref> <ref>[ Wu / Beal retrograde analisys algorithm] by [[Alvaro Cardoso|Alvaro Jose Povoa Cardoso]], [[Computer Chess Forums|Winboard Forum]], March 10, 2007</ref>
* [[Ren Wu]], [[Don Beal]] ('''2001'''). ''Parallel Retrograde Analysis on Different Architectures''. in IEEE 10th Conference in High Performance Distributed Computing, August 2001
* [[Ren Wu]], [[Don Beal]] ('''2001'''). ''Solving Chinese Chess Endgames by Database Construction''. Information Sciences, Vol. 135, Nos. 3-4
* [[Don Beal]] ('''2002'''). ''Learn from your opponent - but what if he/she/it knows less than you?'' in [[Jean Retschitzki]], [[Rosita Haddad-Zubel]] (eds.) ''Step by Step''.
* [[Ren Wu]], [[Don Beal]] ('''2002'''). ''A memory efficient retrograde algorithm and its application to solve Chinese Chess endgames.'' in [[Richard J. Nowakowski]] (ed.) [ More Games of No Chance]
* [[Don Beal]] ('''2006'''). ''[[File:alg1986review.txt|Review of a nullmove-quiescence search mechanism from 1986]]''. (Draft) <ref>courtesy of [[Don Beal]] and [[Carey Bloodworth]], [ Re: Antique chess programs] by [[Carey Bloodworth|Carey]], [[CCC]], December 16, 2015</ref>

=Forum Posts=
* [ computer chess tournament] by [[Don Beal]], [[Computer Chess Forums|]], May 15, 1992
* [ QMW uniform-platform computer chess tournament] by [[Don Beal]], [[Computer Chess Forums|]], August 18, 1992 » [[UPCCC 1992]]
* [ QMW computer chess] by [[Don Beal]], [[Computer Chess Forums|]], August 19, 1993 » [[UPCCC 1993]]
* [ Re: Human VS computer] by [[Don Beal]], [[Computer Chess Forums|]], July 11, 1994 » [[Search with Random Leaf Values]]
* [ World Computer Chess Championship] by [[Don Beal]], [[Computer Chess Forums|]], March 16, 1995 » [[WCCC 1995]]
* [ ICCA issues] by [[Don Beal]], [[Computer Chess Forums|rgcc]], January 27, 1997 » [[ICCA]], [[ICGA]]
* [ Re: mate threat extension/null move] by [[Don Beal]], [[CCC]], October 04, 2004 » [[Mate Threat Extensions]], [[Null Move Pruning|Null Move]] and [[Win at Chess|WAC]] booster
* [ Null move in quiescence search idea from Don Beal, 1986] by [[Eelco de Groot]], [[CCC]], Aug 17, 2009 » [[Null Move Pruning#NMQS|Don Beal's Null Move Quiescence Search]]

=External Links=
* [ Don Beal's ICGA Tournaments]

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