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Created page with "'''Home * Engines * Rating Lists * IPON''' '''IPON''',<br/> the first pure chess engine rating list with Ponder On hos..."
'''[[Main Page|Home]] * [[Engines]] * [[Engine Rating Lists|Rating Lists]] * IPON'''

the first pure chess engine rating list with [[Pondering|Ponder On]] hosted by [[Ingo Bauer]]. IPON does not provide played games <ref>[ IPON Rating's List Bash Script] by [[Franklin Titus|kingliveson]], [[Computer Chess Forums|OpenChess Forum]], September 05, 2011</ref>. In September 2013, the public IPON rating list was temporary abandoned <ref>[ The public IPON is finished] by [[Jesús Muñoz]], [[CCC]], September 12, 2013</ref>, and resumed in January 2014 with some changes.

=Forum Posts=
* [ IPON rating list] by [[Ingo Bauer]], [[CCC]], December 13, 2009
* [ Ipon rating List finished ...] by [[Ingo Bauer]], [[CCC]], February 17, 2010
* [ IPON Rating's List Bash Script] by [[Franklin Titus|kingliveson]], [[Computer Chess Forums|OpenChess Forum]], September 05, 2011
* [ IPON ratings calculation] by [[Albert Silver]], [[CCC]], December 29, 2011
* [ The IPON BayesElo mystery solved] by [[Larry Kaufman]], [[CCC]], January 03, 2012
* [ IPON will change ...] by [[Ingo Bauer]], [[CCC]], January 27, 2012
* [ The public IPON is finished] by [[Jesús Muñoz]], [[CCC]], September 12, 2013
* [ IPON results for Houdini 4] by [[Robert Houdart]], [[CCC]], December 02, 2013 » [[Houdini]]
* [ H4 or S5 !?] by [[Ingo Bauer]], [[CCC]], June 02, 2014 » [[Houdini]], [[Stockfish]]

=External Links=
* [ IPON-Rating-List]

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'''[[Engine Rating Lists|Up one Level]]'''

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