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1,658 bytes added, 1 July
Chess Engine
It features [[Quad-Bitboards]], and its ability to run on a [[GPU]].
=DetailsFeatures= Zeta is written in [[C]] (host) and [[OpenCL]] (device). The host handles the IO, but all chess related computations are done via OpenCL (run-time-compilation) on the device.
Zeta v099 is a port of [[Zeta Dva]] to OpenCL, with classic parallel [[Alpha-Beta]] search, therefore 64 gpu -threads are coupled to one worker, used to work on the same node in parallel during move generation, move picking selection and evaluation in parallel.
Zeta v097 and v098 were designed to run thousands of independent [[Thread|threads]] on a [[GPU]], therefore they store the expanded game tree via an parallel [[Best-FirstMinimax Search]]-MiniMax search in [[Memory|memory]] .
=See also=
==2010 ...==
* [ Zeta, a chess engine in OpenCL] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], March 17, 2010
* [ Possible Board Presentation and Move Generation for GPUs?] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], March 19, 2011
* [ Zeta plays chess on a gpu] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], June 23, 2011
* [ ZetaOpenCL 098ew64 running on Windows OS40493 LIFO stack based parallel processing?] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], September 22, 2011* [ Possible Search Algorithms for GPUs?] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], January 07, 2012 <ref>[[Yaron Shoham]], [[Sivan Toledo]] ('''2002'''). ''[ Parallel Randomized Best-First Minimax Search]''. [ Artificial Intelligence], Vol. 137, Nos. 1-2</ref> <ref>[[Alberto Maria Segre]], [[Sean Forman]], [[Giovanni Resta]], [[Andrew Wildenberg]] ('''2002'''). ''[ Nagging: A Scalable Fault-Tolerant Paradigm for Distributed Search]''. [ Artificial Intelligence], Vol. 140, Nos. 1-2</ref>* [ Help with Best-First Select-Formula] by [[Norbert Raimund LeisnerSrdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], November 27June 23, 20162012* [ Zeta v099a46974 Kogge Stone, gpu Vector Based] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], January 22, 2013 » [[Kogge-Stone Algorithm]] <ref>[ Parallel Thread Execution from Wikipedia]</ref> <ref>NVIDIA Compute PTX: Parallel Thread Execution, ISA Version 1.4, March 31, 2009, [ pdf]</ref>* [ GPU chess update, local memory...] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], April 11June 06, 20172016* [ Looking for someone to test Zeta v099l on RTX 2080 TI, or similar, gpu72684 RMO - Randomized Move Order - yet another Lazy SMP derivate] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], June 24December 30, 2019» [[Lazy SMP]] 
==2020 ...==
* [ Zeta with NNUE on GPU?] by [[Srdja Matovic]], [[CCC]], March 31, 2021 » [[NNUE]], [[GPU]]
=External Links=
==Chess Engine==
* [ GitHub GitLab - smatovic/Zeta: Experimental chess engine written in OpenCL]
* [ Zeta Chess blog]
* [ Zeta - Milestones]
* [ Zeta from Wikipedia]
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